Oak & Iron is a game set in the age of fighting sail. It allows players to recreate battles between small fleets and squadrons of armed sailing ships. Firelock Games has designed the game to be simple and intuitive while also challenging players by providing significant tactical depth and yet being true to the theme and tactics of the period. Since its release the game has had a couple of errata updates. Today version 1.03 of the game was released to correct the point values of the top 3 Ships of the Line.
What’s new in Oak & Iron version 1.03?
Zero rule changes were implemented with this release and none of the upgrade or initiative cards have been changed. The only changes in the release are that the top 3 Ships of the Line and the HMS Anne have all had their point values adjusted.
The following is a table that breakdown and summarizes the changes to the Ships of the Line:
Ship Type | Old Value | New Value | Difference |
3rd Rate | 37 | 33 | -4 |
HMS Anne | 38 | 34 | -4 |
2nd Rate | 55 | 40 | -15 |
1st Rate | 58 | 43 | -15 |
Why Make the Changes?
Firelock Games continues its commitment to maintaining a balanced and engaging gaming experience. This update focuses on ship stat adjustments, specifically affecting point values for selected vessels. The big 3 ships have technically had the “flaw” in their points from the game’s release, but the release of the new Galleon ship model brought the imbalance to the forefront.
Free PDF of the Ships of the Line Stat Cards
With this new update, Firelock Games has released new stat cards for the 4 affected ships. You can get a printable PDF of the Ships of the Line stat cards here or directly from Firelock Games.
Hopefully, Firelock Games will release a new ship stat card packet in the future so you can order ALL of the cards for the game.
While waiting for that, you can always print the cards on cardstock or regular paper and load them in protective card sleeves. We have all the details on card sleeves here.

How Will This Change Affect Gameplay?
This change is HUGE for larger-scale games. Before this update, the 2nd and 3rd Rate ships were printed at a high enough level that they weren’t viable for anything less than a 200-point game. In a 100-point game, a single ship was over half the price of your force and was putting all of the eggs in one basket. in a 100-point game, you can now take multiple 3rd Rates, and a 200 allows you to do a small flotilla.
If you’ve not yet purchased the Ships of the Line expansion box, this change is a huge incentive to check it out! Adding these beasts to the battlefield changes the scope of the game. It will bring a new dynamic to your games and change the nature of conflict to include some longer-range duels and some super bloody boarding actions.
I’m excited to see how Oak & Iron’s version 1.03 affects the game, especially on the tournament front. Adjusting the point values of the top three Ships of the Line and the HMS Anne to enhance gameplay balance is long overdue. While no rule changes were introduced, these adjustments significantly impact larger-scale scenarios, encouraging players to strategically deploy formidable vessels even in smaller point games. I am looking forward to smashing ships to splinters and some true line-ahead ship combat.
Product Referral Links
This box contains 3 Ships of the Line minis:
- 1st Rate
- 2nd Rate
- 3rd Rate
Get this set today:
HMS Anne

The new English 3rd Rate Ship of the Line (HMS Anne) is available directly from Firelock Games for $18 per model. Get yours now!
p.s. If you order through these links we get a small commission which helps encourage the creation of more great content.