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Complete List of Oak & Iron Initiative Cards

Oak & Iron Initiative Cards

Initiative cards play an important role in the game of Oak & Iron. They are used to determine the order of play each turn, as well as providing a variety of special abilities and bonuses for players to use during the game. These cards are drawn at the start of each turn and can provide a tactical advantage if used wisely. The initiative cards in Oak & Iron provide a wide range of options, from allowing players to move their ships in unique ways, making special attacks, affecting Fatigue, or other bonuses. The initiative cards add a layer of strategy and unpredictability to the game, making each turn exciting and dynamic!

Complete List of Oak & Iron Initiative Cards

Below is a comprehensive list of the Initiative Cards from the Core Rules boxed set and the Expansion Deck v1 from Firelock Games.

Card TitleValueNationSourceCard Effects/Description
Adaptive Tactics4DutchCoreIf your opponent has any discarded Initiative Cards, you may apply the effects of 1 of those cards to your Squadron. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Adjust Formation3EnglishCoreIf a ship in this Squadron is within Pistol Shot of another friendly ship, it is treated as being in Formation.
Adjust Position4AnyCoreEach ship in this Squadron that is in Formation or within Pistol Shot of a friendly ship and is not Entangled or Aground may make a Free shift directly sideways (up to speed 1) at the beginning or end of its move.
Aggression3SpanishCoreWhen a ship in this Squadron makes an Attack of any kind within Musket Shot (must score at least 1 hit), the target takes 1 point of Fatigue.
Await New Orders1AnyCoreOnce revealed, choose a card in your Initiative Hand and place it face up on top of this card. Use the rules detailed on that card and the Initiative Value of this card. During the end phase, return both cards to your hand unless the card states that it must be discarded after being played
Boarders Away5FrenchCoreShips in this Squadron automatically pass Sailing Tests when attempting Boarding Actions against ships at Minimal or Anchored Sail plans.
Boarding Through the Smoke4AnyCoreShips in this Squadron that make a Boarding Crew Action may make a Free Partial Fire Attack against the target ship immediately before the action.
Boat Assault1DutchCoreDuring the Movement Phase, Ships in this squadron that move at Speed Rating 2 or less can place a Landing Party token on an opposing ship within Pistol Shot. During the Attack Phase, ships that deployed a Landing Party token this way may make a Close Combat Attack against the ship that it placed the token on. Landing Party tokens placed this way are removed at the end of the turn.
Bravado5SpanishCoreShips in this Squadron that are not Shaken are treated as if they have no Fatigue. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Careful Aim2AnyCoreWhen testing for critical damage, ships in this Squadron may re-roll any dice that fail to score (Skull), (swords), or (sail) results.
Deception2PiratesCoreShips in this Squadron may not be Attacked at Cannon Shot. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Double Rations1AnyExpAll ships in this Squadron remove 1 point of Fatigue. This card may only be included with a ship that includes the “Double Rations” Special Rule. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Doughty4AnyCoreIf you earned any Strike Points in the previous turn, immediately remove 1 Fatigue from each ship in this Squadron. This Card may only be included with a Squadron whose Admiral has the “doughty” special rule.1
Down!1AnyCoreAll ships in this Squadron reduce the amount of Fatigue taken from each Attack by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
Effective Fire3AnyCoreIncrease the broadside value of each ship in this squadron by 1 for the rest of this turn.
Elan2FrenchCoreDuring the Movement Phase, ships in this Squadron may spend a Crew Action to make a Partial Fire or Close Combat Attack. Roll 1 more dice during these Attacks.
Elan2FrenchExpDuring the Movement Phase, ships in this Squadron may spend a Crew Action to make a Partial Fire or Close Combat Attack if Entangled. Roll 1 more dice during these Attacks.
Engage More Closely4EnglishCoreEach ship in this Squadron that is not Entangled or Aground may make a Free Move Directly Sideways (up to Speed Rating 1) at the beginning or end of its Move. Additionally, ships within Pistol Shot roll 2 more dice during Broadside Attacks. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Expert Boarding3DutchCoreDuring the Movement Phase, ships in this Squadron may make a Free Close Combat Attack immediately following a successful Boarding Action
Fast Loader5EnglishCoreEach ship in this Squadron may immediately remove a reload marker. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Favorable Wind5AnyCoreEach ship in this Squadron that is sailing Large and not Entagled or Aground must increase their Speed rating by 1.
Fire as She Bears1AnyCoreShips in this Squadron in Formation may make a Free Broadside Attack against any ship that moves into a legal firing position during the Movement Phase. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Fleet Maneuver4AnyCoreEach ship in this Squadron that is in Formation and not Entangled or Aground may immediately make a Free turn using the speed 1 tool.
Heavy Musket Volley2SpanishCoreEach ship in this Squadron may spend a Crew Action to make a Partial Fire Attack during the Movement Phase. This attack cannot cause damage or critical hits to the target ship.
Intrepid1AnyCoreEach ship in this Squadron within Musket shot of their Flagship may immediately remove 1 point of Fatigue. This card may only be included with a Squadron whose Admiral has the “Intrepid” special rule.
Lee Guage Fire4AnyCoreWhen a ship in this Squadron that does not have an Anchored or Aground token makes a Broadside or Partial Fire Attack against a ship that is completely upwind of it, (Musket) results count as hits at Cannon Shot.
Long Range Gunnery2EnglishCoreEach time a ship in this squadron rolls a (cannon) result on an Attack made at Cannon Shot, roll an additional dice for each (cannon), Apply this effect until there are no (cannon) results.
Lured into the Shoals2DutchCorePlace a shoal terrain piece within Musket Shot of a ship in this Squadron. May not be placed within Yard Arm distance of any ship. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Raise the Black3PiratesCoreAll opposing ships within Musket Shot of a ship in this Squadron must immediately roll a Skill Test with 3 fewer dice. Each ship that fails this test takes 1 point of Fatigue. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Reload!3AnyCoreEach ship in this Squadron that is in Formation may immediately remove a Reload marker.
Repel Boarders1SpanishCoreClose Combat Attacks made against any ship in this Squadron only count hits on (Skull) results.
Resilient4SpanishCoreShips in this Squadron reduce the amount of damage taken from each attack by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Rolling Broadsides3AnyCoreEach ship in this Squadron may spend a Crew Action to make an Attack during the Movement Phase.
Seize the Opportunity5DutchCoreShips in this Squadron that are not in Formation during the Attack Phase roll 2 more dice during all Attacks. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Shoals Ahead4AnyCoreAll ships in this Squadron ignore Shoal Terrain.
Small Arms3AnyCoreIf an opposing ship ends its move within Pistol Shot of 1 or more ships in this Squadron during the movement phase, 1 of those ships may take a Free Partial Fire Attack against the opposing ship. This Attack cannot cause damage or critical hits to the target ship.
Superior Firepower3FrenchCoreIncrease the broadside value of each ship in this squadron by 2 for the rest of this turn. Discard this Initiative Card instead of returning it to your hand during the end phase.
Swift Vessels5FrenchCoreEach ship in this Squadron that is not In The Wind’s Eye, Entangled, or Aground may immediately make a Free Speed 1 move.
Swift Vessels5FrenchExpEach ship in this Squadron that is not In The Wind’s Eye, Entangled, or Aground may immediately make a Free Speed 1 move. This move may not include a turn.
Take Courage2AnyCoreEach ship in this Squadron that is in Formation may immediately remove 1 point of Fatigue.
Target Rigging4FrenchCoreEvery ship in this Squadron must roll 1 more dice during Attacks made against rigging.
Zeal1EnglishCoreWhen this Squadron’s Flagship takes a Rally Crew Action, each friendly ship within Musket Shot rolls a Skill Test. If the ship succeeds, remove 1 point of Fatigue for that ship
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Download the Complete List of Oak & Iron Initiative Card

Click below to download a digital copy of the list of Initiative Cards for referencing the abilities and rules of each card. Oak & Iron Initiative Card List PDF Download

The honest truth is this content takes time to create. If you enjoyed it, consider buying the Expansion Deck or other Oak & Iron products using our affiliate links. It helps keep this site running and supports Firelock Games.

The Expansion Deck is worth adding to your next order. I love using it in all of my Squadron Builds.”
-Capt. Abe

Abraham Lincoln in a pirate hat

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Amazon Referral Link

Oak & Iron Core Boxed Set
• Get the printed card from the Expansion Deck Vol 1. for Oak & Iron which includes:
— 21 Admiral Cards
— 3 Initiative Cards
— 26 Upgrade Cards