Looking for Protective Card Sleeves for Oak & Iron cards? We have all the sizing info you need and recommendations for protecting your ship stats cards, initiative decks, ship upgrades, and event cards in the game!
There are 3 primary card types in the Oak & Iron Board game: Ship stat cards, the Event Deck, and everything else.
Oak & Iron Ship Stat Card Sleeves
The Core unit in the game is obviously your naval ships. Of all the cards in the game, the Ship stat cards are arguably the ones that need protective sleeves the most. During your games as your ships take Fatigue and Damage, the plastic slider tokens will begin to put some wear and tear on your cards. This leads to shortening their lifespan and can lead to minor fraying if you play the game A LOT. (cough, cough… not me)
Ship Stat cards fit perfectly in sleeves sized for “Tarot Cards”. You want to get sleeves that are for 70mm x 120mm cards on the interior dimensions. Most sleeves vary in size with a 2-3mm border for the seams so the exterior of the sleeve may have a different dimension
Ship Stat Card Sleeve Size: 120x70mm Tarot Cards
This is a link to the brand of sleeves we use for our Oak & Iron Ship Stat Card Sleeves if you’d like a specific recommendation.
Upgrade suggestions – Dry erase markers
One of the other great benefits to putting your ships in sleeves is they are compatible with dry-erase markers. This lets you update your Fatigue and Damage as soon as it happens. You can also mark your upgrades and write additional upgrades on the front of the card. With a 3 or 4-pack of markers from your local Dollar Tree (or other dollar store), you no longer have to fool with the plastic sliders.
Oak & Iron Event Deck Card Sleeves
One of the interesting aspects of Oak & Iron is its Event Deck. When players tie on their Initiative Score it spawns a random event for the game. While putting your event cards in sleeves may not be a “must-have” purchase, it may be worth considering. The Event Deck cards get shuffled frequently so they can suffer some wear and tear over time. The extra thickness of the protective sleeves can help keep the cards stiffer and the edges from fraying.
Event Card Sleeve Size: 63x44mm Cards
If you’d like a specific suggestion, this is a link to the brand of sleeves we use for our Oak & Iron Event Card Sleeve Recommendation.
Oak & Iron Misc Card Sleeves
The Oak & Iron Core Box set has a variety of other cards in the set. The vast majority of them are standard “Poker Card” size cards.
Misc Card Types for Oak & Iron
- 47 Upgrade cards
- 39 Initiative cards
- 19 Admiral cards
- 5 Faction cards
- Game Setup Cards:
- 6 Objective cards
- 5 Setting cards
- 5 Deployment cards
- 5 Condition cards
Total Number of Cards: 130 Cards
Misc Card Sleeve Size: 88x63mm Poker Cards
This is a link to the brand of sleeves we use for our Oak & Iron Card Sleeves if you’d like a specific recommendation. It’s a lower cost two 100-pack sets.
If you prefer to have a cardboard deck holder similar to a deck of standard playing cards you can get a 5-pack set of 50 sleeves (250 total sleeves) for a more premium price.
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